mercoledì 22 maggio 2013


The latest statements by the CEO of Abercrombie, Mike Jeffries could not merit more appropriate response than that of The Militant Baker. If in fact from all over the world have raised criticisms of a policy that favors skinny people as a symbol of well-being, it is only now with the response of the blogger Jes Baker justice (ironically) was made.

Just go to his blog to see the letter he wrote in response to the statements of Mr. Jeffries: "The only thing that got me through his comment is a strengthening of the now outdated idea that fat women are a social failure, without values ​​and undesirable. "

But Jes did not stop: along with the letter appear a series of fake advertising featuring the bloggers that ape the original campaigns. The elements are all there: Attractive & Fat instead of the brand logo, a model thin-style Abercrombie but herself to make a difference, in the key sensual and ironic.

"I challenged those who say that attractive does not rhyme with fat, and can assure you that the two terms are more compatible than you might imagine."

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